
2 ratings

Update: Add option for the HeadGear to keep main part only (for easier glamming with other hair and top)

Update: Fix the headgear doesn't show on Viera

Public Release: 5th Jan 2024

Eastern SN port for Patron's early access at January 2023 (2 of 3)

Available for Everyone

Constributor: JeArt for upscaling maindress textures and provide me clean pattern mask.

Replaces: Far Eastern Noble Robe, Headgear and Shoes

Hair 110 for Females, 106 for Males

- Sleeve posable, again to posing the sleeve you can edit the j_ex_top_a and j_ex_top_b to pose it.

- One bust size only for Tall Females this time, coz to have more bust size option i need to add more options not only for dress but headgear

and hair too, i can't QQ

- Some races might clip their face with hair when they open month.

- Hair not really posable it mostly follow the weight with the skirt

This gear took me the longest time, the textures are crazy honestly i feel terrifying when i begin cry loud

But i made it, HuaDan is female MC in chinese opera but in traditional they are play by male actor so it's totally make sense and match to the

outfits background that wearable by male and females both.

If you intersted about Huadan i recommend an old chinese film at 1993 name 霸王別姬'Farewell My Concubine'.

It's a story talk about a male actor get the role of playing as HuaDan on the stage and eventually fall in love with his stage partner.


Tall Females require Bibo+ 2.0 or later version:


Hro/Roe require Unofficial HrBody 3.0 or later version:


Tall Males require TBSE:


Lalafells have 3 options as vanilla, Otopop or Re[de]fined Lalafell,

otopop and Re[de]fined Lalafell version required to download their body mods,

Vanilla doesn’t require any additional download:

Otopop by Ulli:


Re[de]fined Lalafell by Minou:


Credits: Bibo+ for Bizu, Tsar, Illy

HrBody for Raykie, TBSE for Tsar

Otopop for Ulli and Re[de]fined for Minou

Krauter for Remin


My Link:

TGD: https://www.glamourdresser.com/author/kiwiforma

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/kiwiforma

Gumroad: https://app.gumroad.com/kiwiforma

Ko-Fi (Donate purpose only): https://ko-fi.com/kiwiforma1089

Twitter: https://twitter.com/miss_forma

Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/missforma

You can found me in these discord:

Studio Aleewi: https://discord.gg/6QrmtBDbyd

Foxhole: https://discord.gg/zg8hwQdxjj

Wisteria Mods: https://discord.gg/wisteriamods


◽ My mashup mods, and ported mods are allow to convert to other base items or body sizes. Just DM me in advanced i would like to know that you interested, and of cause have me in credits at the results.

◽ You may use any parts of my Mods , and any resources I’ve made, for any publicly released mod, including public commissions. again just DM me in advanced and have me in credits at the results.

◽ However any NSFW purpose or lewd edit on Lalafells mods are automatically NO. (NSFW edits for talls are fine.)

◽ Do not re-upload or host my mod files anywhere. You may share my link instead.

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